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besea.n (Britain’s East and South East Asian Network). besea.n is a charitable organisation founded by six ESEA (East and South East Asian) women who carry their advocacy at a public and private level and strive for fair and accurate representation of ESEA people in all aspects of UK society.
Lucy Sheen is a classically trained actor and published writer, poet and playwright, who advocates for better representation of British East and South East Asians on stage, screen and TV. Her beliefs align strongly with those of our organisation, and she has written for us in the past. Lucy's work speaks passionately to advocacy for the ESEA community and particularly to transracial adoptees.
We think Lucy would be a wonderful feature for the Museum of Colour: work like hers about the pain and trauma of her generation, and the tireless efforts she has put in to combat othering, particularly in the creative sector (for example, she was active in the Orphan of Zhao West End protests in 2013), has inspired us in the movements we carry today. Not only this, but Lucy also makes continuous efforts to educate others, through mentoring, the creation of fellowship programmes, and training and lecturing on a number of topics such as diversity and cultural sensitivity.